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Fort hood unit clearing papers Form: What You Should Know

Army's ICS clearance report. An approved leave form (DA Form 31 w/  Fort Hood clearing papers PDF, Doc, Images — pdfprof.com NOTE: These copies will not be issued until your clearance is approved NOTE: For new transfers, any paperwork, such as a new DD214, will be forwarded directly from your old to your new station. This includes a clean criminal case record, and any military awards/decorations.   NOTE: For transfers from other units, no paperwork needs to be completed; you can clear your clearance while you complete your unit's paperwork Enlisted Soldiers assigned to Fort Hood are given an opportunity to sign up for two days of leave. Soldiers assigned to the out processing facility at Fort Hood have the option of completing a Leave/Assignment Authorization Form as a prerequisite to your leave by completing DA Form 4187. This DA form is also available during  Welcome to the Central Clearance Facility's Out Processing Brief Enlisted Soldiers assigned to Fort Hood are given a choice of two days of pay and leave, or a choice of either two days of pay, or a one-day transfer to their unit. Soldiers assigned to the out processing facility at Fort Hood must provide their Fort Hood email address and phone number for the processing of any military pay or leave paperwork. Enlisted Soldiers assigned to Fort Hood are required to take a mandatory “Sleeping Disorder” exam. This exam is conducted by a registered mental health professional. This exam is not required to be completed prior to  assignment to the out processing facility at Fort Hood. However, if a Soldier is sent to the out processing facility while preparing for the exam, the exam must be completed prior to the Soldier's departure from Fort Hood. Enlisted Soldiers are required to have prior approval to receive benefits and pay. This approval must  be secured prior to arrival at the post or at the point of initial assignment. Enlisted Soldiers assigned to the  out processing facility at Fort Hood will be approved prior to arrival at the post by the Fort Hood  Post Commander and is not required to be signed on the first day of their assignment. Enlisted Soldiers assigned to Fort Hood will be required to show a copy of their military orders for every person they have to “assign” to your unit. This documentation must be completed prior to assignment to the Fort Hood out processing facility.

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